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  • maui

    My friend ben has a place on maui, he wants to set up a buisness renting out eb broncos, He just wanted to know if people would be interested, He says hes got the money for a couple broncos to ship over but he wants to make sure if their's a market for it ,Any input would help. Thanks marshall

  • #2
    Re: maui

    Damn I totally would do that as I told my gf that we probably would do either Maui, or Baja Mexico for the honeymoon and I know she would approve of a truck rental.


    • #3
      Re: maui

      I think the problem would be to keep them reliable and rust free. I am sure most rentals in Hawaii only last a few years before they buy new ones.


      • #4
        Re: maui

        That's a tough one. As novel as it would be I agree w/ RockBronc. Maintenance would be a killer not to mention the initial investment to bring them to a reliable DD status. Then you have to deal w/ people screwing them up and that'd be outta pocket to fix. Not like having a fleet of new heeps on warranty that people can go tear up to their hearts content (which they do). Oh yeah, shipping any parts from the mainland that doesn't fit in a flat rate USPS box is BRUTAL & due to accidents, dings & rust you'll need plenty of good sheetmetal parts which are big!!! Then there's insurance on top of all that.

        I like the idea as an EB owner but don't see the return on the massive amount of capital it would take to make it a reality...
        sigpicRoad trips on an island get boring after the 1st lap...

