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Caravan to Wild Horses from Grass Valley 2017

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  • Caravan to Wild Horses from Grass Valley 2017

    Once again the Sierra Early Broncos are caravanning from Grass Valley to Lodi. We will be leaving from the SPD Market in Grass Valley at 6:30 am. We will be meeting the Reno guys and anyone else that wants to join us there at Foster's Freeze in Auburn at 7:00. Our route will take us down Auburn Folsom Road to Folsom Blvd to Blue Ravine to Prairie City Rd. We will be in Folsom about 7:30-7:45. Last year we picked up a bunch of Broncos at the Chevron Station on Prairie City Rd.

    We will then head past Prairie City to Grant Line Rd to Hwy 16 to Dillard Rd. From there we go out through the farmland to Lodi. We will arrive (Broncos willing) at WH about 8:30-9:00 a.m.

    If you are on the Sierra Early Broncos email list, I have already sent an email. Just respond to that email. If you are NOT on the email list PM your email address and cell phone number and I'll send driving directions of our route. Let me know where you want to meet us and I'll give you a time that we expect to be there. It's important everyone be on time or our schedule will turn to doo doo.

    Last year we rolled in with 15 Broncos. Let's have a bigger group this year.
    Last edited by 70 Steed; 03-04-2017, 02:33 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Caravan to Wild Horses from Grass Valley 2017

    So far the response to this thread has been underwhelming to say the least. We will have 5 Broncos coming from Grass Valley and 3-4 Broncos from Reno which will meet us in Auburn.

    If anyone wants to meet us in Auburn or Folsom or anywhere else along the way please let me know.

    The weather forecast is for sun and 76 degrees in Lodi. Should be a great day.

